Add to Flipboard Magazine. The Engineering of Society: Sleep Deprivation and Gullability

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Sleep Deprivation and Gullability


The manipulative engineering of a society requires people en masse being open to believing falsehoods; perhaps the most consistently used method through history for keeping people from realizing they are being lied to is sleep deprivation. Lucky for the people putting one over on folks, most people create the sleep deprivation on their own. Chances are, you are behind on sleep. 

Sleep deprivation affects memory and concentration, so people are more willing to overlook facts and inconsistencies in news reports, contradictions among history books, retractions by the CDC, presidential promises. The senses dull, and we have trouble speaking and thinking of words, or understanding what other people are saying. We tired, and feel less like going out to talk to people, or engaging in the conversations around us. We get quiet and feel isolated. The ability to reason suffers, so we become vulnerable to hoaxes and schemes. We can't draw on the reserves from our adrenals to use our willpower to accomplish even little goals like looking up sources. Deprivation leads to Alzheimers.

Sleep deprivation inhibits protein synthesis, which slows wound repair and creates a symptom familiar to people with M.E. (CFS): muscles take a long time to recuperate even after a minimal amount of exercise. Resistance to infection lowers. We don't do as well at work, school or athletics, and become shy in social situations, and start feeling insecure. We don't take care of our appearance as much, so even if we see through the illusions, no one takes us very seriously. We spend our energy on survival instead of research.

People who are told to get excited about something can, on the other hand, become overly optimistic and be taken in by con-men telling us how great something is. Some people's adrenals get overstimulated, and they get too loud and boisterous, as if they drank too much coffee; they're unable to slow down and pay attention to facts. They can push away their friends bygetting manic and agitated. They buy what sounds great on the surface, even if they can't afford it.

Sleep deprivation directly causes substantial weight gain, which can affect self esteem and cause obsessive dieting, leading to even more difficulty in concentration on larger issues. It also causes excess urination, which leads to a cycle as we have to get up more often at night.

Sleeping pills cause many side effects and the drugged state creates vulnerability to being duped. It causes depression, and anti-depressants make reasoning harder as well. 

Totalitarian dictators, cult leaders, late-night advertisers, prison guards, narcisists, psycopaths, and religious figures all know very well how effective sleep deprivation is for creating demoralization, lack of resistance to what we're told to feel and do, lack of motivation to seek out the truth. Empowerment to share revelations with others who are brainwashed themselves falls by the wayside, and the ability to type correctly without error lessens, and we think we've composed something great that supports our cause, but actually weakens it by its poor quality presentation and design.

During sleep, we process, filter, and commit the important things to memory. Without that, everything becomes messy in our minds, running together, hard to keep straight, and we can't bring up facts we knew were related. We might want to tell someone our sources for a statement, in detail, but can't remember, so we say nothing to them, and keep our knowledge to ourselves, becoming less effective communicators. We see others fooled by the newscasters, and say nothing, because we have to be able to back up our statements convincingly or face derision. No one wants to be seen as an insane conspiracy theorist. Those who try to convince others without the facts do get labeled that for sure, and then the brainwashed people have a knee jerk reaction every time they hear that topic brought up by anyone, closing their minds to it.
Staying awake too much has even been tied to the creation of false memories, and the combination of multiple one, due to the impact on the prefrontal cortex. People can hear something in a report on the news which has been fabricated and later believe they actually saw video of it. 

Children need to be taught the negative effects of lack of sleep rather than just be told to go to bed. Sleep hygiene should be taught in schools. Overwork and late night partying should not be prioritized over health. People need to avoid coffee late in the day, get plenty of sunshine, and have black-out curtains or eye-shades so they get enough melatonin. Stress reduction techniques need to become mainstream so people don't produce too much cortisol and adrenalin, causing them to be unable to sleep at night, with racing thoughts and trembling keeping them up. 
Yoga and meditation can help, but not if they are practiced in a group that requires members to get up at 4:30 in the morning, which is common, and a dangerous practice. Sleeping through the night rather than being waked up is very important. Eastern religions have often used this technique to make people believe impossible things and become like children to their gurus. 

Many people who believe what they're told in cults that keep them awake, or who are fans of authors and speakers who spout nonsense become very embarrassed once they get a chance to sleep and see how ridiculous those things we they saw as perfectly reasonable before. Deprogramming can be as simple as snoozing.
Nutrition needs to be seen as actually what makes up our bodies, so people avoid deficiencies that lead to restless leg syndrome, and hormonal imbalances that create insomnia. Many people engage in magical thinking that if they just eat what they want, that's fine, because everyone else around them does. Night shift workers need special attention. Pilots should not have to stay awake so long for their shifts and truck drivers should be able to make a living without drugs to keep them going. 

But drug companies would probably prefer people be deficient. Duplicitous politicians certainly would. There is little money behind education and reminding people to do something that they don't have to pay or, something which makes them less vulnerable to deceit and social engineering. We're told it's not cool to go to bed on time, rather than leaving the house at that moment to go to the club. The most refreshing time to sleep is the early hours, not the later ones, yet people push themselves up stay up, often at the computer. Sleep is poor quality and challenging if we are looking at the screen during the hours before sleep.

If we want to stop being a nation of sheep, we need to count sheep and get sleep. 


Grateful for this blog? Buy an Agents of the Nevermind book. Vol. I, Glossolalia.

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