Add to Flipboard Magazine. The Engineering of Society: 01/26/16

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Gift for Subscribers



Time to party. If you want it you can have it -- a 20 page PDF to keep handy while you train yourself to hack that moment when you're told something, for example on the nightly news. Breaking the habit of believing what we hear automatically is mostly a matter of focusing attention on it, getting used to looking up people's backgrounds, and also knowing what to look for. I plan to do an annotated audio version to accompany it, which subscribers can listen to and be free from reading for awhile.

This little cheat sheet can't go into all the details of which departments of what schools so-called authorities might have gone to at certain time periods that would indicate they were part of a CIA program. For that you can just stick with the blog, or search it out yourself. Jan Irvin's Brain which is in the growing Links section on the right side of the home page is a good place to start to see the interconnections.

And while you're at it, check out not only the new links but lots of new videos in the Documentary section. Actually every section has more new material, so knock yourself out.

You might already be pretty good at stepping back and questioning everything, though a little checklist to make sure you're doing it each time can't hurt. Just looking at it once will burn it in your brain so you won't be as likely to forget. You might want to send it over to someone else who needs the practice.

Or, heck, maybe you don't like it at all, but you'd still like to sign up for it because that's how you get the new Newsletter-to-be. I won't be sending it out often and making you wish you hadn't asked for it. No no no. It will be only occasional when there's really something to say. The sign up form is on the website itself, on the right, under the images such as what you see here - with a different sample page given.