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 “Only the small secrets need to be protected.  The big ones are kept secret by public incredulity.” --"Marshall McLuhan

“There are invisible rulers who control the destinies of millions. It is not generally realized to what extent the words and actions of our most influential public men are dictated by shrewd persons operating behind the scenes.”
Edward L. Bernays, Propaganda

This blog is a scam-watch across the board. Believers, beware. Trusting people -- take a step back, breathe, search the facts beneath what you're being told by marketers, newscasters, dates, cult leaders, ministers, social figures, health organizations, publishers, caregivers, politicians, and everyone else. This blog should help you do that. (Note that this used to be a very substantial blog with fun GIFS, but the slow loading time wasn't fixable using Blogger. So I removed most of the posts. However, read on below to understand what the website is about, as there is still plenty material on all the pages.)

"Hands down, this is my favorite Blog right now. Brilliant, open minded, well researched writing....along with the author's personal experience. Give it a read, sign up to receive her words and see for yourself if you don't become addicted to this blog. She gives plenty to research for yourself, great at name dropping and covert operations to keep one busy for hours.

"I LOVE THIS BLOG!!! I've never followed any Blog like this before. I've looked around on things like food or nature, or whatever.....but THIS ONE!!!!! Bravo...its excellent." -- Tiffany Millerbis 


I have listened to most of shows of Mae Brussell. You have the intellect/experience to
have a similar radio show.
How did you move along the track maybe faster than A Jones? The info on your blog is hard to find elsewhere. Your selection of videos for your website is higher quality with less of agenda. If i would have gone to your website vs Jones I would have been better informed in less time. You have picked the best so far. I am watching everyone on your website." -- Mark Loc

This blog brings attention to the specifics of government-subsidized control of public beliefs and behaviors using proven psychological methods, Securities vulnerabilities, cults, hoaxes, etc., and beyond. The wider aspect of this blog is -- how you can train yourself not to get ripped off. How you can not have your head spun around, your emotions wrenched, your money taken from you, your family ruined, your time wasted.

Let's track down corruption of any kind that directly affects you and learn the patterns and ways to resist it.

I'm very sorry for the inevitable slow load time of any site with lots of embedded videos. Thank you for your patience in waiting a few seconds to discover facts that may help you see something more accurately than you did before. I'd love to put many more embeds in here but I don't want to stretch your waiting time too far. Good key words to search about topics for yourself online include "debunked," "scam," fraud," "sinister," disinfo," "CIA," "hoax," "exposed," "lies," fake."

Just put one at a time in the search bar alongside your subject matter. Unfortunately though this worked much better in years past. Videos questioning people's veracity are now very rare, which I find frightening. Now, my theory is that search engines prioritize sites that show positive takes on the subjects because they are more lucrative. No doubt some were asked to be removed by the people being debunked and their supporters. Look deep into the results. More articles and books are available now than videos. Most "debunking videos" are now by disinformationists themselves, many of which work for Intelligence agencies. Most likely such agents also have gotten videos outing them removed.

So the best way to research is to look into the origin of the theories such as alien contacts. Be aware that famous talk show hosts must continue to find new guests year after year, and so can't be discriminating enough to vet them. The most successful guests that would bring in the most viewers are often the most deceptive, but many hosts won't turn them away for the sake veracity. They are polite enough not to question their authenticity on the air; otherwise, who would go on the show?

My blog posts are on the Home page. Also be aware that at the bottom of each page of blog posts, there is a small phrase to the bottom right that says "older posts." As of Feb. 1 2016, there are 58 blog posts, not just the first few that will show up for you if you don't click that phrase.

A large part of the blog has been about the psychological manipulation that makes people believe falsehoods - such as the CIA's involvement with newscasters, the New Age movement, religion, useless medicine, etc. How can you be your authentic self? Can you get rid of wrong ideas that were instilled in you for someone else's benefit? How can you avoid being fooled by hoaxes?

The first step is to develop awareness of the methods, history, and agenda of cultural manipulation that affects you and people you know. You might have to cross heroes off your list, but isn't that better than misperception?

Become savvy about how perceptions are deliberately molded by subtle propaganda on many levels using a variety of techniques that go far beyond false statements. How are people's emotions engaged to thwart clear understanding of reality? Who is doing this, and why?

The term "social engineering" has recently been appropriated by the Security Industry to mean thieves manipulating people, in the micro sense, into giving up sensitive information. The man who reinvented the term “social engineering,” was the criminal Kevin Mitnick, who hacked Pacific Bell's voice mail computers in order to take the software secrets.

Though the definitions are so related as to merge in the middle, the original meaning of the term is a focus of this blog that you won't find to this degree of detail in most Social Engineering sites and books. Resisting being a victim of the socio-political manipulation in the macro sense exercises the discrimination-muscles. That strength helps technology users to be wary, protecting their data more diligently.

I believe it's unwise to let the new narrow usage of the term undermine awareness of the prevalence of the government's hoodwinking the public for profit that has shaped our culture. But I do feel that by learning to recognize one branch, we also learn to recognize the other more easily, and are less likely to be taken advantage of across the board by people we trust, whether that's a romantic partner, a psychic, a caregiver, an affiliate marketer, or the person standing too close behind us at the ATM machine.

If people hear the term and think it only refers to the new meaning, they may not learn about the first one. If people search online and only come across the micro kind, but not the macro one, that narrowing functions as a chance for social engineering to hide the nefarious masterminds' machinations behind the scenes of our culture.

Casting off conditioning through understanding the con is a great feeling. This blog is for intellectually curious people, including people who are already very aware of this subject and want to learn more, who are excited to see the practice acknowledged. People who see past the programming can come here to be free together.

It's not meant to be "the only way" or anything like that but ideally a helpful method of freeing yourself from social conditioning and learning to avoid being manipulated by propaganda. I have my own ideas mapped out but want to ask some guests directly, and would like to invite some authors to share their ideas once this site gains more readers.

Please share the posts on your social media and email. I want people to come away from this site feeling empowered. I created this site as a labor of love; it's an important topic to keep in mind in order to enjoy your authentic self. Living a life in which you are not conned or taken advantage of, but experiencing your true feelings and natural thoughts instead is an exciting goal all round, and looking into these ideas from time to time can foster that. I'd love it if you can get the word out about this blog.

So you can read the non-fiction books for education, and watch the movies for entertainment, but what about entertaining books that acknowledge social engineering? Read mine!



                                                  THE AGENTS OF THE NEVERMIND

You can join my Tantra Bensko's Books mailing list at Insubordinate Books. You can see my exclusive short videos on social engineering topics related to the books and read more about them, as well as learning about forthcoming books. And if they look interesting, buy or request review copies of any books in the forthcoming series of fiction, which references Social Engineering, that appeal to you. Review them on Amazon, recommend them to like minded friends, talk to me about them. That would be hugely appreciated. My career is writing, editing, and teaching fiction and the books are meant for enjoyment of the narrative.

The series is called The Agents of the Nevermind. The fiction is true storytelling, not just there to get across a message. Every book acknowledges that we live in a world in which this kind of manipulation occurs, and that we have the power to break through it, at least in our own minds.

Please join with me in being safe and in finding our strength to be our authentic selves and celebrating our inherent freedom, and the ability to stand up to outside pressures that seek to sway us from the warm-hearted solidity we can feel when we move closer and closer to clarity, one thrilling moment at a time.

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